Heelde's Blog
Are You Settling for Crumbs in Love?
Mar 10, 2025
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Are You Settling for Crumbs? Scarcity in Love and Self-Worth
Sometimes, you feel a deep attraction to someone who isnā€™t truly available. Maybe theyā€™re already in a relationship, live far away, are emotionally distant, or give just enough to keep you hopingā€”but never enough to truly be with you. And...
All Categories active listening allowing abundance asking deeper questions attachment styles attracting love attracting the right partner authentic exchange authentic relationships authenticity awareness development balance in giving and receiving being acknowledged being highly sensitive being open to others being seen and heard being valued breaking patterns breaking resistance breaking through emotional blocks building self-confidence chakra healing childhood wounds in relationships communication challenges communication problems communication without noise compassion connection in relationships connection with yourself conscious communication conscious living conscious relationships conscious speech consciousness development coping mechanisms creating a safe space creating emotional safety daring to speak dealing with disappointment dealing with emotions dealing with insecurity deep conversations deep empathy deep healing deep listening depth in conversations developing assertiveness developing self-expression disappointment divine flow effortless receiving embrace abundance emotional attachment emotional availability emotional awareness emotional blocks emotional connection emotional dependency emotional distance emotional expression emotional growth emotional healing emotional intelligence emotional maturity emotional pain emotional patterns emotional safety emotional trauma emotional well-being empathy energetic alignment energetic balance energetic blueprint energetic healing energetic imprint energetic listening energetic patterns energetic protection energetic transformation energetic work energetic wounds energy alignment energy exchange energy flow energy work expanding consciousness expressing my opinion fear of sharing fear-free lovelove and self-worth feeling dismissed feeling invisible feeling misunderstood feeling resonance finding inner strength flow state freeze response freezing when asked from silence to strength genuine attention healing healing conversations healing energy healing love wounds healing soul trauma healing the inner child healing through attention healing through words healthy love heart connection heart opening heartfelt conversations heelde academy higher consciousness holding space without judgment holistic healing how to be heard how to become more assertive how to take up my space human connection human warmth i feel ignored i feel unheard improving self-expression inner healing inner journey inner pain inner peace inner processing inner transformation inner work introspection intuitive coaching intuitive development intuitive healing karma healing karmic blocks lack of connection lack of empathy law of receiving letting energy in letting go of unavailable partners listening ear listening skills listening without judgment loneliness lost my voice love addiction love and scarcity love and self-worth love and trauma love from abundance love without drama love without struggle making space manifesting abundance meaningful relationships mental health mental resilience mindful listening mindfulness and receiving mirroring in conversations multidimensional healing navigating emotional topics nervous system and love nervous system regulation nervous system response not being heard not speaking up open communication open to love open to possibilities opening the heart overcoming insecurity overstimulation past life trauma past lives personal empowerment personal growth receiving love receiving support receiving vs taking receiving with ease receiving without guilt recognition regression therapy relationship awareness relationship dynamics relationship patterns releasing blocks releasing old trauma respectful communication seals method seals training seals-reader self-awareness self-care self-compassion self-development self-doubt in relationships self-insight self-love self-love and abundance self-reflection self-trust in relationships self-worth and abundance self-worth journey sensitive people sensitivity setting and expressing boundaries setting boundaries setting healthy boundaries shadow work sharing feelings sharing your story social interactions soul alignment soul connection soul consciousness soul contracts soul experiences soul growth soul healing soul memories soul mission soul path soul patterns soul trauma space for emotions spiritual awakening spiritual balance spiritual blocks spiritual connection spiritual development spiritual growth spiritual healing spiritual transformation spiritual wisdom subconscious beliefs surface-level conversations surrender to abundance taking up space the art of listening the power of silence toxic relationships transformative conversations trauma response true presence trust the universe unavailable love unblock receiving universal energy vulnerability words that touch the heart